Whaddya Say Now, Mum?
The Old Man and The Flower
Backyard Kids
Anna and The Demons
Kiddie Tarzan
Production History
Backyard Kids

Pernilla is 8 years old, and she lives at Parkvägen 7. One day a new boy moves in next door. His name is Max. He's small, near sighted and rather clumsy. Max and Pernilla start to play together. Max does everything that Pernilla says. It's a great feeling to be in control thinks Pernilla. So she decides to control more and more. Max would rather play other games, but what does one do to be part of a gang? Max, it turns out, will do anything what so ever!

A play about an ordinary day at an unusual backyard...

Watch the play develop

Performance info
Ages: 3-8 years, family
Length: ca 40 minutes

Written and directed by: Sten Wallin
Light and sound: Michael Koitzsch
Music: Pygméteatern
Puppets: Sten Wallin

Ensemble: Mia Ståhl Broborg, Michael Koitzsch

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