Whaddya Say Now, Mum?
The Old Man and The Flower
Backyard Kids
Anna and The Demons
Kiddie Tarzan
Production History
Kiddie Tarzan

What do you do when reality doesn't make sense...
When the big kids lock the door...
And when your parents are completely involved in making their own dreams come true?

This is a story about what it feels like to be five years old with a name like Kiddie Tarzan. About the things that can happen when you use a little fantasy. Wow! There's Mimo, the best fox in the world. He can creep up on herrings in the forest and fart-fly high over the rooftops.

Step by step the children accompany the actors into the magic world of shadow play. A celebration of fantasy with poetry and music.


Performance information
Age: 3-8 years, family
Performance length: ca 35 minutes

Written and directed by: Sten Wallin
Light and sound: Michael Koitzsch
Music: Pygméteatern
Puppets: Sten Wallin

Ensemble: Mia Ståhl Broborg, Mats Johanson

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